As a rule, to appeal a decision to refuse a visa, you must first appeal to the
diplomatic mission or the relevant authority that made such a decision. However,
the law does not prohibit you from immediately proceeding to appeal the decision
in court. Of course, a judicial appeal is a more effective option, and there are many
reasons for this. Firstly, when considering such cases, the court examines in more
detail the arguments of the lawyers about the unlawful decision of the authorities
that made the decision to refuse the visa and also refused to appeal. Secondly, the
authorized persons representing the state when considering visa applications and
the persons deciding on the appeal against the decision to refuse to grant a visa to
Ukraine are the same authorities. Therefore, the chances of an objective
consideration of an appeal in case of a mistake in the consideration of a visa
application or in case of an illegal decision are small. If such a situation has
happened to you, you need to do the following:

1. Order a preliminary consultation on appealing a decision to refuse a visa to
Ukraine in court.
2. During the consultation with the specialists of EVROVECTOR Law Firm,
provide all the documents that were submitted for obtaining a visa, tell all
the details about the application procedure and the interview with consular
officers (if such a conversation took place).
3. After the consultation, order the service - Legal support of appealing against
the decision to refuse to grant the appropriate visa to Ukraine.
4. Next, our lawyers will prepare the relevant requests and appeals, draft a
statement and send the relevant materials to the court. And during the trial,
they will represent your interests until a court decision is made. If you
follow all these recommendations and fully comply with the actions that the
visa law experts will recommend, the appeal process will be productive for