Charitable and humanitarian assistance provided by volunteers, NGOs and charitable foundations is an integral part of supporting vulnerable populations and those in difficult life circumstances. These forms of assistance reflect a deeply humanitarian approach to problem-solving and provide invaluable support in crisis situations. However, it is important to emphasise that proper legal documentation of these processes is a key element to ensure the effectiveness and legality of this assistance.

Professional legal support in this area is becoming indispensable to ensure that charitable and humanitarian aid complies with the law, avoids legal violations and ensures transparent and efficient use of resources.

The need for legal support arises due to the variety of aspects that arise in the process of providing charitable assistance. This includes the legal aspects of financing, taxation, interaction with government agencies, the legal status of charitable organisations, etc. 

In this context, law firm "YEREVEKTOR" offers its services in the field of providing legal support and assistance to public organisations, charitable foundations, volunteers and all those who provide assistance. Our lawyers have extensive experience in this field and are ready to provide professional assistance in the legal registration of charitable programmes, organisation of humanitarian projects, documentation and resolution of legal issues related to charitable activities.