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Виза типа D в Украину на основании брака с гражданином Украины

Комплекс услуг по юридическому сопровождению процедуры получения визы Д-14 в Украину. Содержание услуг:


- Виза категории «D» — это разрешение, необходимое для въезда на территорию Украины для оформления документов на временное или постоянное проживание в Украине, и выдается в виде визовой наклейки, которая вклеивается в страницу паспорта иностранца или лица без гражданства.

- Виза D-14 — код визы, который указывает на основание для воссоединения семьи с гражданином Украины. Заявителями на получение визы D-14 могут быть иностранцы и лица без гражданства, состоящие в браке с гражданином Украины, дети иностранца или лица без гражданства в возрасте до 18 лет, а также нетрудоспособные близкие родственники иностранца (более подробную информацию можно получить у миграционных юристов компании), которые планируют после въезда в Украину обратиться в Миграционную службу Украины для подачи соответствующих документов с целью получения вида на временное проживание в Украине.

- Legal assistance in the procedure for obtaining a long-term visa to Ukraine by a foreigner or stateless person on the basis of family reunification with a Ukrainian citizen (after marriage) includes legal advice, preparation of necessary documents and organization of legal processes at all stages of obtaining a visa to Ukraine, as well as support of the entry procedure. Legal assistance, depending on the individual characteristics of each case, may include consultation and organizational and procedural components.

The consultation may cover the following issues:

- the procedure for obtaining a visa after marriage with a citizen of Ukraine;
- the procedure for obtaining a visa for children of a foreigner or stateless person in case of family reunification of a foreigner with a Ukrainian citizen;
- the procedure for obtaining a long-term visa to Ukraine for disabled close relatives of a foreigner or a stateless person in case of family reunification of a foreigner with a Ukrainian citizen (these may be: children over 18 years of age, parents, brothers, sisters who are cared for, guardianship, health supervision or in the case provided for by the legislation of the country of the foreigner or stateless person);
- list of documents required to obtain a visa to Ukraine;
- the procedure for making an appointment at a visa center, consulate/embassy;
- the procedure for submitting a visa application form and documents for obtaining a visa by marriage;
- how many days the application for a visa is considered;
- when you need to provide your passport for visa affixing;
- what to check in the visa label;
- when you can enter Ukraine;
- what documents you need to prepare for obtaining an entry permit to Ukraine when crossing the border;
- what questions should you know the answers to when obtaining a visa and crossing the border; 
- what grounds, actions or words of a foreigner may be the basis for a decision of the Border Guard Service to ban entry to Ukraine, even if you have a visa to Ukraine for family reunification with your spouse;
- what is important to know while staying in Ukraine to avoid being returned (deported) from Ukraine;
-other important issues that affect the decision on obtaining a visa, entering Ukraine, and legal stay or residence in Ukraine.

The organizational and procedural component may include:

- legal assistance in preparing a package of documents for obtaining a D 14 visa for family reunification of a foreigner with a Ukrainian citizen after marriage: verification of the documents available to the foreigner, legal support in obtaining the missing documents - providing information on the name of the necessary documents and how to obtain them, after the foreigner receives the documents - verification of these documents for compliance with the legislation of Ukraine on the procedure for obtaining a visa, legal support in certifying documents by authorized persons, if required by law - legal assistance in filling out the visa application form;
- рroviding legally significant instructions when submitting visa application documents to the visa center or to the consulate/embassy of Ukraine;
- legal review of the information in the visa label (after obtaining a visa) for legal errors (an error noticed by the migration service will lead to a refusal to issue a temporary residence permit in Ukraine);
- legal assistance during entry into Ukraine after obtaining a visa by marriage - providing legally significant instructions when preparing documents for entry into Ukraine after obtaining a visa, as well as information on important issues that may have negative consequences when crossing the border.

Procedure for ordering and providing services to support the procedure for obtaining a D-14 visa by a foreigner on the basis of family reunification with a citizen of Ukraine:

The package of services is divided into two parts: previous legal advice and legal support of the procedure for obtaining a D visa to Ukraine:

1. Ordering a previous consultation service for obtaining a D visa to Ukraine. This consultation is necessary to determine the necessary need to obtain a visa for family reunification and to determine whether a foreigner or stateless person has any limitations in obtaining a visa to Ukraine.

2. Ordering a legal assistance service in the process of obtaining a visa to Ukraine.

1. The procedure for providing previous legal advice on obtaining a D visa to Ukraine for family reunification with a citizen of Ukraine:

а) after ordering the previous consultation service, the company contacts the Customer by phone or messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom, Skype, Wechat);

b) the company provides a previous consultation: asks questions related to the service, examines the Client's documents and determines the need for a visa, restrictions, prohibitions, and other factors that do not allow or complicate the foreigner's obtaining a visa to Ukraine at this stage. If, after examination, it turns out that you do not need to obtain a visa or there are restrictions, prohibitions and other factors that will not allow you to obtain a visa to Ukraine or enter Ukraine, the migration specialist will offer you the best option for achieving your goal.

2. The procedure for providing legal assistance in the procedure for obtaining a D-14 visa to Ukraine by a foreigner!

After ordering the service of legal assistance in the procedure for obtaining a D visa to Ukraine, the company contacts you and performs all the actions described in the term “legal assistance in the procedure for obtaining a visa for family reunification”, provides full legal support for the procedure for obtaining a visa to Ukraine until the foreigner enters Ukraine.


In most cases, entry into Ukraine not in accordance with the instructions leads to the foreigner's return to the country of permanent residence at his/her own expense.

Documents required to obtain a D visa to Ukraine:

1) a scan of the foreigner's passport for traveling abroad;

2) one color photo in electronic format;

3) if the foreigner has already been rejected for a visa to Ukraine, additionally provide scans of all decisions to deny a visa. Additional documents or information that must be provided in accordance with Ukrainian law and international treaties are determined after a preliminary consultation.

The grounds for refusal to issue a D-14 visa to Ukraine:

1) 1) threat to national security or public order of Ukraine;
2) threat to health, protection of rights and legal interests of Ukrainian citizens and other persons residing in Ukraine;
3) information about the foreigner or stateless person is included in the database of persons who are prohibited by law from entering Ukraine or temporarily restricted from leaving Ukraine;
4) establishing that the submitted passport document of a foreigner or stateless person is forged, damaged or does not comply with the established sample, or belongs to another person;
5) submission of intentionally false information or forged other documents. Other grounds are also possible in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.


If the consul of Ukraine decides to reject a visa application or a border officer decides to refuse entry to Ukraine, you can order the company's service to represent your interests in appealing against the illegal decision of the consul of Ukraine or a border officer.

The list of countries for which it is necessary to obtain a D visa to Ukraine, as well as the cost of the consular fee for the corresponding visa depending on the country of citizenship of the customer.

Our advantages over the visa center:

The purpose of the visa center

The purpose of a visa application center is to receive documents from you, check their correctness and submit them to the consulate or embassy of Ukraine. However, in most cases, visa center employees require documents that are not provided by Ukrainian legislation. The reason for this is that they are not lawyers and do not speak Ukrainian, and it is not their job to study Ukrainian legislation. When accepting documents, they are guided by a scenario (list of documents) drawn up by the administration. And it is likely, as practice shows, that it was compiled incorrectly. As a result of this shortcoming in the organization of the center's work, employees may refuse to accept documents for a visa on marriage or on another ground, and the foreigner is forced to return home and prepare additional documents to submit to the visa center.

Our goal!

To foresee all possible scenarios so that you can apply for a visa on the first try, get a family reunification visa and enter Ukraine.

Our advantages over the consulate or embassy of Ukraine:

In the theory of administrative law, the purpose of the consulate or embassy of Ukraine, as a state body, is to issue permits (visas) to enter Ukraine only to law-abiding citizens. However, in practice, most civil servants consider the documents submitted for visa issuance as a procedural formality. Their task is to review the application and documents, not to provide assistance to the foreigner or stateless person. To submit such an application, foreigners or stateless persons must provide the documents required by Ukrainian law and, if necessary, be interviewed by a Ukrainian consul. Foreigners do not know the migration legislation of Ukraine, and sometimes they have difficulty even filling out the application correctly, let alone providing clear answers to the consul due to confusion. It may also be difficult for them to understand the requirements for the form and structure of the document to be submitted to the consulate or embassy. And if a visa application can be processed at the visa center on the spot with an employee of the center (if it is present at the consulate or embassy), then the documents cannot be processed at the center, they must be collected (completed) before submitting the documents for a visa. And if the documents are in Ukrainian, the visa center will not understand what is written in them - they do not know Ukrainian. For these reasons, there is a high percentage of visa refusals.

Our goal is to be different from the consulate or embassy!

We want to help PEOPLE who need our help, so that they - foreigners or stateless persons who abide by the law - can get a visa to enter Ukraine and reunite with their families, with loved ones who are waiting for them.

How to achieve the goal?

Goals are achieved by those who focus their intentions and actions to achieve them. Book a consultation now, and together we will start to achieve your goal - family reunification.



Желаем вам достижения ваших целей! 

Доброго дня, мій чоловік африканець ,шлюб брали в Чехії, на 8му місяці вагітності він мене покинув , зараз він хоче подавати на укр візу , про те що він має доньку в Україні,чи можливо таке ? Йому можуть дати візу, ми ще в шлюбі але я хочу розвестись .
Доброго вечора.допоможіть розібратись.Я Українка,чоловік мій Бельгієць,одружувались в Бельгії.Проблематично нам тут в Бельгії відкрити візу,консульство не добре працює.Як і де можна ускорити процес відкриття візи!В цю п'ятницю возили подати на візу,знову,щось знайшли не так в перекладі і тепер треба знову 2неділі чекати,щоб заново подати документи,приймають один раз в тиждень.Дякую
Галина, Доброго дня.
Підготовка документів для подачі візи є ключовим кроком для позитивного результату. Для того, щоб вам допомогти потрібно вивчити ваш пакет документів. В рамках консультації наш юрист міграційного права зможе надати вам інструкції для успішної подачі документів на візу. Замовлення послуги консультацію можна здійснити прямо на цій сторінці
Доброго дня.
Таке питання.
Моя дружина громадянка Туркменістану.
Одружилися в 2024 році в Туркменістані.
Можливо отримати візу в Україну?
І чи потрібно завіряти документ Туркменії?
Артем Іванюх, Вітаємо!
Якщо ви громадянин України то вона має право отримати візу в Україну. Документи, видані в Туркменістані, необхідно легалізувати. Для більш детальної інформації необхідно замовити консультацію.
Доброго дня ,мій чоловік турок , чи можете ви допомогти оформити нам візу D-14 якщо ми на разі в Україні?
Тетяна , вітаємо!
Так можемо допомогти. Для того, чтоб ми змогли вам надати послугу треба звернутись за будь-якими існуючими засобами зв'язку, які для Вас комфортні
Здравствуйте! Такой вопрос: я Украинка мой сожитель африканец, живем в Польше,мы хотим поехать в Украину расписаться. Можете вы помочь с визой в Украину моему будущему мужу? Спасибо
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D-14 visa to Ukraine on the basis of marriage with a citizen of Ukraine

SKU CV4-01-00
Service Content
Language of consultati
The basis for obtaining a Visa to Ukraine
Name Visa type D in Ukraine: oral consultation on questions of receipt of Visa type D - 14 to Ukraine. Service code CV4-01-00
The service provides EUROVECTOR Law Firm
Service Content oral consultation on questions of receipt of Visa type D - 14 to Ukraine
The basis for obtaining a Visa to Ukraine determined during consultation
Language of consultati Ukrainian
Answers that reveal the consultation individual features of the procedure for obtaining a D visa to Ukraine, entry to Ukraine, and obtaining a residence card on the grounds that a foreigner has
subsec. 1.1 providing oral advice on obtaining a D visa to Ukraine
subsec. 1.2 providing a list of documents required to obtain a visa to Ukraine
The term of preparation of the package of documents 30 minutes to 16 working hours, depending on the workload of specialists
Method of obtaining a prepared package of documents at the office of the company or postal service at the expense of the customer

Algorithm of service!


- selects a service;

- signs an electronic contract;

- pays for the service;

- receives a receipt of payment.

COMPANY - service and quality departments:

- receives a notification of payment;

- contacts the Customer and specifies details;

- performs services;

- verifies the quality of the services provided.


COMPANY - service delivery department:

- informs the Customer about readiness to provide the ordered services:

a) advises verbally (in the case of oral consultation);

b) send to the Customer e-mail documents confirming the performance of the services (if this is a written consultation);

c) transmits to the Customer the original documents confirming the fact of performing the services in a convenient way for the client (if the ordered service is a document (s) drawn up by the Contractor and / or legal support of certain procedures, which result in obtaining certain documents from third parties, in including, in the authorities, enterprises, organizations);

- receives from the Customer information / notification of compliance - verbal consultation, written consultation, drafted documents, depending on the order - ordered services.


COMPANY - quality department:

- clarifies with the Customer the degree of quality of the services rendered;

- rewards the Performer if the Customer has set a high service score;

- makes additions to the quality management system of the services rendered, if the Customer has determined that there is a need to improve the quality of services;

- completion of the service.

We thank you for your interest in our service and we wish you great success !!

Order and payment procedure!

  1. Make an order on the website or by phone.


  2. Fill in the order form or tell the manager the following information (surname, name, phone, e-mail, method of delivery, method of payment).
    • In case of filling in the payment form in the online store, make payment by credit card through payment systems in privat24, Google Pay, LiqPay, WayForPay.
    • In case of ordering by phone, after placing the order,you will receive a letter with an invoice for payment  to your e-mail,upon activation of which you will be able to pay for services through payment systems in privat24, Google Pay, LiqPay, WayForPay.
  3. After payment, a letter-receipt with the number of your order will be sent to your e-mail.

Dear customers, check the SPAM section because the message with the receipt can get into this section.

Delivery procedure!

  1. Delivery of the result of the performed services (written consultation) is carried out on the e-mail of the Customer.
  2. Delivery of the result of the performed services (executed documents) is carried out by:
  • Self-pickup - free of charge;
  • By mail "Nova Poshta" across Ukraine - at the rates of mai.
  • International postal service - at the rates of mai.

The order of implementation of warranty obligations!

The contractor provides warranty support for the quality of the services provided for six months from the moment they are accepted by the client in case the contractor makes a legal error or provides them with an incomplete amount of services on the client’s request. Warranty support does not apply to consultancy services on certain issues. The provision of advice is provided taking into account the accumulated professional experience of the contractor and is exclusively advisory in nature. The Contractor is not endowed with the authority to formally interpret the law, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is vested with such authority.

Services cannot be returned, but the costs for low quality services are returned within 14 calendar days, in a convenient way for the client (in cash, on a Visa / MasterCard). If you find poor quality services, please contact the quality department of the law firm EUROVECTOR for the following contacts:

tel: +380965182838
